The Interview:

What Is It: The Dear Rosa Interview is a one-on-one interview conducted over Zoom, by phone, or in-person. Together, you and Dr. Harte will read 24 short passages from Rosa’s letters. Each passage is paired with a question that asks you to think about your own life, path, and journey.

Time: Interview times are capped at 90 minutes maximum, but follow up sessions are possible and encouraged.

What If I Don’t Connect to a Question?: There are no right answers and no wrong answers. There are no requirements to answer any questions.

You can share about whichever ones speak to you and skip any that do not. There is nothing during this interview that you are required to say, no topics you need to cover. This project is dedicated to amplifying the voices of women living with HIV, so it is a safe space to have those conversations. We recommend you speak from your heart.

Is it Recorded? Yes.

How Is My Recording Used? After your interview, we will send you a waiver and you can indicate your preferences about how we use—or don’t use—your interview and transcript. There are options to keep your interview private, share it anonymously, or contribute your words/visuals/audio.

How Do I Schedule?: Sign Up HERE

Meet Dr. Harte

Dr. Jersey Harte conducts all Dear Rosa interviews.

About Jersey:

Jersey is a queer, sober, soup-maker, swimmer, feral-cat-carer, certified in oral history, and co-founder of The Dear Rosa Project.